Thursday, March 10, 2011

My job reflections

I've been working at being a speech-language pathologist coming up on 20 years this summer. WOW!! I know I can't believe it either. That makes me just feel old (half empty)...wiser (half full).

You know I've really experienced alot in all of these years. I've lost track of the number of students I have worked with (some for 4-5 years), families I have met, team meetings attended, IEP paperwork, hours spent billind medicaid, arguments, frustrations, AH-HA moments, graduations, hugs, valentines, smiles, tears, teaching, supervising, professional development trainings, bad lunches, number of fast food stops, number of lunches never eaten or eaten in the car, staff names recalled and staff names forgotten, amount of chalk dust inhaled, the number of fire drills, hours on the phone, the number of hours home at night working until 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning, miles driven...

Many lessons learned, experiences filed for the future and moments completely forgotten, but some days are just meant to help me reflect on my career, my life and my family and to give thanks:

Today started with a home visit to a mom with 3 small children (all under 4 - infant is 2 months). She had tried calling to cancel but the message never got to me so I arrived at 8:30 am to find her 4 year old happy as a clam boppin' around, but the 2 year old and baby were both sick with RSV. Needless to say I didn't stay, but asked if there was anything I could help out, but she said they were all set. As I left I thought ~Thank you God for giving me strength to get me through those years when my babies were little.

Lunchtime was met with a meeting where I had done independent observations of a student with Autism. I was asked to report what I had observed and make suggestions about what the team working with the student might try differently to get increased results and work through behavior problems. Well, we all know how it goes when an "outsider" comes in and makes suggestions...but much to my surprise the ideas were met with positive comments. Little did I know the team would begin implementation immediately following the meeting. 2 hours later one of the therapists came bouncing down the hallway, elated because the student had demonstrated a new, positive behavior skills based on the recommendations I had made. She hugged me and literally jumped 2 feet in the air. ~Thank you God for giving me knowledge and the ability to effectively communicate with other people.

The end of the day: a home visit with a 2 1/2 year old angel of a girl, unfortunately with a deteriorating metabolic genetic disorder that will eventually take her life. Her parents are wonderful, positive, strong people - very young, I'd say late 20's. First child, only child. She made the most wonderful squeals and giggles today - even made one of those deep belly giggles - smiles to light up a room. Talking, walking, eating ~ they are not part of her day, but love is. ~Thank you God for empathy and giving me the opportunity to be near those with such daily struggles and uncertainty. It is a reminder of all you have given me and my family.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Began the day watching the girls open their little 'gifties'. The twins went gaga over their sock monkeys, Allison loved her new covers for her phone and Melissa can't wait to try out her new earrings...but she does have to wait 6 weeks. BILLION dollar candy bars for everyone and the good ole' Hot Tamale's Candy for Darrin. I wonder if he is getting tired of it...I think it has been his gift for at least the last 6 or 7 years. He also received 3 lottery tickets, but they didn't make us any richer. Guess we'll just have to live on LOVE! (I know, corny, but I couldn't resist)

The girls gave me a really cute card where this little froggy keeps unwraveling his arms wider and wider to show how much he loves me. Funny thing, they wouldn't let me see it yesterday at the store...they were so cute about it, even when I was paying for it! They also made a beautiful collage of family pictures for Darrin and I to hang on the wall. Heart-shaped of course, really cute. Darrin says a new ski hat is coming in the mail in the next day or so ~ hope it fits :)

Went to Jazzercise tonight and every song she picked had the work LOVE in the title. Good work out - wore my pants with red on them and my pink shirt. Lots of pink in the room, guess everyone was feeling the love, or at least groovin to it.

Wore my red jacket to work today, red earrings and a heart pin. Ate heart shaped candy, hershey's kisses and even put a heart on top of the chicken pot pie. The girls ate plenty of candy and received an extra Valentine from the neighbors down the street. Max was so cute when he dropped them off.

All in all a wonderful day...the secret is to make this love last every day of every year :)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone
Love you all, Cathy

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Trying to get back into it...

What do you think...Me???

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

More memories

You know there are alot of good reasons to "live now", "live for today", and "not to look back at the past"...

But seriously, isn't it the memories that shape the decisions we make on a day to day basis? Isn't it the memories that make us smile, laugh, cry and celebrate? Isn't it those memories that lead to our own family traditions? The trick pass them on. We need to make sure we tell our children our memories, because if we don't, they will never know. Yeah, they might laugh at us and roll their eyes, but they still hear it, see the expression on your face and learn something about YOU! Call your mom for that recipe your grandma used to make, and make it...share it...with your family. Get out the photos...take your kids on an adventure you used to go corny, be silly...


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas memories

This morning the girls had requested "breakfast in bed" - not sure why, but what the heck. As I awaited their stirring upstairs I got everything ready.
Trays - glasses for juice - plates for the bagels - napkins - bowls for the cereal...

Now what can I put the milk into---ah yes--- Grandma Marcotte's Orange/White ceramic pitcher. As I rinsed it and dried it, I began to cry...

No matter the season, every breakfast at Grandma's the pitcher was on the table. I always felt so special that she let us pour and use something so beautiful! I think as far back as I can remember Grandma always gave us the BEST cereal choices and the coolest milk. I think the milk tasted better coming from the pitcher. Oh, she also had those teeny tine juice glasses with the oranges on them... too cool. After breakfast, we had to help wash the dishes by hand and we always took such good care of it. After it was dried (you know you never let dishes air dry) it would go back up onto the shelf in the kitchen, waiting for the next day.

By the time grandma passed away she had moved into a one-bedroom senior apartment, but the pitcher was always in her kitchen.When she passed away, we gathered at her small apartment and all the grand kids were given a chance to choose items to take home. We each chose a number and had our 'turn' at taking one item from the table. We were then going to go through the same process until all the items were taken. I looked at my number and I got number 4, well there were only 5 grand kids, so I didn't think it was the luckiest draw. I waited patiently and to my surprise, no one took that pitcher! I just couldn't believe it! So now I have moved it to 4 homes and display it in my glass cabinet.

I shared my story with Allison and Melissa this morning and then I teared up again. I also decided today that it will get used more often.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Well hello, not sure if anyone even checks this out anymore since I haven't written since October, but I guess a blog is really for the one writing, not necessarily for the ones reading, but I do like interesting blogs. Well anyway, I went back and read my last entry and I too am planning on "defining", paving the way for change by adding to the group and hopefully being a great leader.

May 7th marks the day I begin my courses at Grand Valley State University...home of the ????? guess I should probably figure that one out and at least know their colors for all the pep rallies :) Yeah, right... actually I probably won't ever see campus because most of my classes are being taught in the satellite in downtown GR. Each class meets Friday night for 3 hours and 10 hours on Saturday. A 3 credit class meets 3 times in a semester. I'm taking 3 credits for the "summer" term so that means 6 meetings from now until August. A total of 29 credits to be taken over the next 2 years or so. Excited... a new adventure in something I've wanted to do for over 10 years! Nervous...just because it's been soooooo long!! Proud...I'm really doing this...yeah me!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009


Change happens every day, can't stop it no matter how much we try.

Ask yourself what you do:

Define: lead the way, take risks, contribute, make a difference
Default: sit on the fence, follow someone else's lead, ride their coat tails, make sure they "don't call on you", just wait and see how it goes
Divide: add to the chaos, sabatoge everything, make sure change never occurs

Adults today:

20% Define
50% Default
30% Divide

What are you going to do with the changes you are facing?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Where is this taken from??

The last one got you thinking... remember, where is the picture taken from?

We have a winner!!!

We have a winner...Darrin is correct, this is the view from the St Loius Arch... did you check my saved pics or did you just narrow it down...
Either way...good job :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009



Going up in it looks puzzling while standing on the ground...

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